Guild Event Fun

Guardians of Valor has made two attempts at the dragon as guild events.  We were pleased with the great turnout we had by guild members.

We're still working on our strategy to kill him but we definitely have guild 'nap time' down pat.

Although not a specific guild event, various GoV members have participated in the dragon raids Rahlen runs from time to time.   At this particular raid, the dragon was caught nibbling on Lodi's head.  Cuuldurach insisted he was only being friendly but we had to take him down for fear he'd do more than just nibble on others.

After patch 1.65 we decided to head to the new zone and take on Curengkur.  He sits in a radioactive pit and looks fairly ferocious.

Prior to engaging, Hotndots gave us our battle strategy:  "Sidewinder missles straight up the center folks."

He wasn't as hard as we expected.   Our three groups took him down fairly easily.

We next decided it was high time to take some keeps, get DF, and kill the High Lords.  What we didn't expect was to make it all the way to Legion.   Here are our four groups swinging away at his knees.

Victory!  Here's the view back through the room from which Legion resides.   We collected the loot and seals, started to /random on items and...

Repop!  Bad timing with all his high mob friends.  Ultimately we got a quick trip home.   All in all the event was a blast with close to 1900 seals and some great items.

Loot!  Each of those seals are worth 50 diamonds each.

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