Keep on XP'ing!

A buffing bug that shows buffs that are on a player that show up as a mob.

What the 'egg of youth' artifact looks like when it drops out of the nest...looks like a big misplaced Easter egg!

Arycia on an ML7 raid where the main mob turns you first into a skeleton before killing you...OUCH!

Though Tiaz's has lead many successful Summoner raids, this particular Summoner Raid comes to an unfortunate end.

The ML10 portal is found! It's position and location changes every 24 hours to a random spot in TOA.

A shot of Passage of Conflict, a new popular place to level artifacts and can be a hot spot for RVR.  Here we see GoV going so deep that Mythic hasn't even finished texturing the map!

Ssstomp doing one of his famous bar top dances for the ladies.

GoV Pride!

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