Shrouded Isles Epic Dungeon Run

The entrance to Galladoria

Just inside the entrance

The scenery in here is as beautiful as the mobs are deadly

The first high named mob we thought we could take...

Okay, ouch.  Thanks to Tarab who logged in time to rez us to fight again.  After reevaluating our tactics we were successful and we got for our efforts... some boots

This guy kept running away!  We finally got him.

We reached a lake with a ramp around the side of the huge internal cave.  The view from here was amazing.

Back down at the base of the lake we attacked another one of the epic mobs.  We had to attack him with ranged attacks as he didn't come to shore to be beaten down like a good mob.

I've never seen so many bows out.  He panicked after he lost some health and he was a pain in the &$!( to target and damage but we eventually got him.

Next, we swam around and went behind the waterfall.  Check out the dragon behind the falls.  He pushed off many into the water.  At this point if you die in water in the dungeon you can't be resurrected, very frustrating. 

Our ultimate demise.  This guy was too much for the 60+ crew. 


The ring drop from one of the epic mobs. 


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