Pocket Wonders


Pro hits pay dirt by hitting a group of albs hanging out in front of the Albion portal keep...too bad the shot agro'd the PK guards and ended the fun.


Hotndots, believing the Mentalist myth that the perfectly landed DOT can save any situation or pull, tries in vain to leave a mark on the Hib Dragon!


The non-violent way to get mobs to drop loot...hypnotize them!


I think the reasoning goes that if the large pointy weapon doesn't do the trick we'll hold Reaping by his feet and swing him around...


Cape fear! If you're not careful it'll put your eye out!


Look's like Yinien is participating in Hawaiian Shirt Friday.


Wonder twins activate...in the form of mana chanter/eldritch.

What some people won't do for some RP's...
How to literally 'ring the door bell' while visiting enemy realms.


The Hibernia Siege team sets up for another night of keep-go-round.


Found just outside the HPK in Albion, charming a Priestess will give you yellow str/con, dex/quick, and a armor factor buff that stacks on the caster AF buff.


Mids mourn the lost of another keen caster...


Who are we KIDDING! They're so fun to KILL!!!! :)

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