Albion Relic Raid

After losing our Power relic on Friday night we were primed to get it back on Saturday.  Unfortunately the Albs were out in force to protect it.  There were many in their keep and our force was overwhelmed.  We regrouped and planed a second attempt on Sunday.

Coordinated by Joxor and Nilyra on Sunday, we headed back to Albion to reclaim our Power Relic.  Here's a shot of a good chunk of our force as we began to pull the guards.

Rams up on the outer door.  Five rams per door helped us get in much more quickly.

Ever operate a ram?  It's not too hard. Once you have /control and /aim the ram you repeat the /arm and /fire commands about every five seconds.

After returning our power relic we trucked back with the Albion power relic as well.  Victory is sweet!

Safe in Dagda keep; Hibernia's Cauldron of Dagda and Albion's Merlin's Staff

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