You've Got it Rough When...

This is all that's left of poor Lini when she died at the bridge in the Battle grounds.

Sometimes my horses are slow, but I've never killed one over it!

Where in the heck is Mag Mel?  What kind of rain is this?

Oh no, this nice guard happened to fall asleep on the job.  Bad for him but good for us on this keep take.

Nuske (Beltad's alt) got Valary to make him some new armor.  Valary wanted to go that extra step and help him out so he didn't have to dye his new duds.  She picked some colors she knew would look, well, precious on him.  Doesn't he look nice in pink folks?

You know you're probably looking for a res when all you can see it this.  I hear it is accompanied by some of the new ambient sounds with the latest patch and sounds something like "come into the light..."

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