May 25th Relic Raid

After coordinating groups and heading to keeps it was a glorious sight to watch all seven Midgard keeps go down within two minutes of each other.

As fast as the other captures scrolled we captured Glenlock Faste.

Arvakr followed immediately after.

Thanks to Ghengis for grabbing a screen shot of the Herald shortly after the capture showing our full control over the Midgard keeps.  With all the keeps in Hibernia possession we ready to move in on the relic.

Everyone met up at the rally point.  You can see teams coming in from multiple locations as we gathered in preparation to take the relic keep.

After taking all the keeps our bonuses were looking sweet.

Rams galore on all the doors.  Thanks to Idanyael for coordinating the rams and ram teams.

We've got our Strength Relic!  Here you can see it in Profit's inventory.

On the move.  With speed five and endurance five, Profit and his team made great time back to our PK.  Thanks to Joxor's team for the escort.

Safe and sound Profit drops the Spear in Lamfhota.  We couldn't take Albion's or Midgard's strength relic until ours was returned so many were still poised at the relic keep awaiting the return of our Spear.

Within seconds of the return of the spear Grstaka and Swymyn had the other relics and were on the way.

The Albions wanted a piece of the action.  They had blocked off the HMG.  As the relics approached we timed an assault from both the front and back of HMG and the relics were through.

Congratulations and a job well done Hibernia!  Thanks again to Vector and his team of leaders for such a well planned and executed raid!

Thanks to Hasan for sending in a picture of all three relics safely in our keep.

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