Mythical Fun

Albion ... on acid!

After some major UUnet backbone problems which caused pretty much everyone to drop the server Rorkk, the CSR, came in to restore those that had died.  Baybie hangs out with him in the mines.

Just when we thought winter was over came one last blizzard.

Buds is 50!  He's so excited he's doing back flips in his new epic armor.

You go Chump... check out the uber damage.

Ouch, but that works both ways.  The Glimmer King packs a punch.

But no more worries for Cynder.  Cynder 3.0 levels to 50.  A very happy moment.

Xeper discovers a new horse route.

After a long day of RvR Hasan tries to get home using the Midgard portal..

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